Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This rainy, stormy, cloudy year....

Miss Caitlan--I love her so much, but this rainy stormy weather is taking a toll on me. Let me explain, as some of you know that Caitlan has sensory issues, anxiety issues, and some motor planning issues. All continuing from her apraxia (later story). Last summer I thought the deep pressure from the pool helped her so much, this year I am not so sure. I am wondering if the pool is making it worse?? She has been crying alot more, mostly on days that are cloudy, rainy, stormy. She can predict a rain shower or storm even before the clouds move in, it is unreal. I really think the weather people could use Caitlan!! I have been told they can sense the barometric pressure changes in the atmosphere. Enough about that. So with this year being a rainy, stormy, cloudy year it has really taken a toll on her. And as ALL of us moms know that when it takes a toll on your child it takes a toll on you too!! So there has been some really rough days lately with her. I am not sure what the next step is with Caitlan, I just know that I can't continue to have all these bad days, it makes me so sad for her. She is so scared and terrified, I was hoping she would out grow this but it just seems that it is only getting worse here lately. UGH! She is so bright, smart, funny and really happy most of the time, that to see these days causing her so much stress and anxiety it is hard to deal with. It breaks a mothers heart.

So I guess we will keep plugging on with life and the little things it throws at us and be HAPPY! I tell the girls to have a happy heart all the time, I guess I need to go on and get my happy heart on and be HAPPY! So I am asking all of you moms to be HAPPY with me! Isn't she just the cutest, her big dark eyes. That sweet little smile, oh how I love her!

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