Friday, April 18, 2008

One Time a Year.............

Well, it was that time of year--to have the annual Garage sale. Cammie and I were told by everyone that Fridays, was the best day. So today was the day---and boy was it a day. I rose early, before the sun even came up. Cammie and I got everything out, and the day got started. The sign was up and THEY came. They came in droves! YEP, Fridays are the best day. I have never seen so many people in my life.

I have to tell you, you meet all kinds of people. Especially at a Yard Sale!! For the most part things went really well. Cammie held down the fort, by doing school with Caitlan and taking Duckie out to go potty. I did the best I could---until the mom from outer space arrived! She came with two little ones, a boy under the age of 2 and a girl about 3. Oh my! The little kids were everywhere, inside the garage, around the corner of the house, and last but not least IN,yes in my fountain!!!! He put rocks in it, threw out the pump, and was in it! Like sitting in it. Where was the mom???????????? I did not even know which person those kids belonged too. Then the little girl stands on one of the sheets I had put down with purses , stuffed animal, toys, some magazines, and etc and she PEE"S, Yep! All over everything, Where was mom?????Whose Kids where these????????????? I was about to go bonkers. I did not even notice the little girl until two nice ladies came over and told me. So I try to go and salvage what I could and the rest I had to throw away, and pick up the sheet and lay in the sun until I can get it into the house. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom never said a word, or offered to help! I just couldn't believe it. What a day!

All in all we did have a good day ! At least we got rid of a bunch of stuff. The rest went to the thrift store and we were done. So now I am trying to recoop! I will post a picture of Cammie later. It is quite funny, Caitlan took it..... so stay tuned! Good Night!
Rae Ann


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