Saturday, February 28, 2009

A night of ..........

FUN!!! Crazy, giggling, teenage girls! Here is just a few shots from the "girls night out". Cammie and her friends went to see the Jonas Brothers 3D Concert movies last night. They were all pumped up, I didn't think they were going to live long enough to see the movie. But we made it down there and I dropped them off.

Cammie and Meghan!
Ummmmmm............ Blue? What were you thinking?? You are in a room with girls and what do you do but jump on the bed right in the middle?? I told you all this dog is C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!! He just wanted to be Jonaified!! LOL.

Have a great weekend!
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Friday, February 27, 2009

A New "DO"......

My Cammie has a new look. She got her hair cut last night for her big weekend. A weekend of friends (giggling teenage girls), going to the movies, eating junk food, hanging out, surfing the web, stalking the Jonas Brothers, and whatever else they can talk mom into!

Well wish me luck. I think I will be stopping for a starbucks tonight! I will need a rush of some kind to keep up with them.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

DId you notice.......

Did you notice the new look of the blog? New background, just for a couple weeks then I will change it to something else. I am not loving the green, but I can live with it for a week or two. Here is some pictures Cammie took yesterday. A different creature of the family.... GERTIE. She is my mom and dad's dog. She is a great dog, she is really spoiled.

Here is a shot I took of Cammie and Gertie out by the fence. Can you tell that Gertie loves Cammie, she does!
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's all the fuss about???

Here are just a few more of Duckie. I know she is wondering what the fuss is all about-- it has to be her cuteness or Cammie's obsession with taking pictures. As a mom I think it is BOTH!!

Cammie told me yesterday she had another idea for Duckie. It involved bunny ears and an Easter basket, can't wait for those pictures. So I guess you will have to wait with me and see what is next!!

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doggie photo shoot....

With the weather still be chilly we are still stuck inside. So our photographer Cammie decided to gather up some items for a photo shoot with the dogs. So yesterday the living room was transformed into a make shift studio for a few pictures. Here are just a few of the ones she got and of course they are my favorites.
isn't this just the cutest, Duckie peeking over the basket!
Can I come out now and play, please???

Of course we had to have a few of Blue. Cammie found that he was much harder to work with. He is just a grumpy ol dog set in his ways. Plus we didn't have a basket big enough for him, lol.
Hey, whats she doing in there? Can you keep her in there? Sorry Blue we must let her out to aggravate YOU!

I hope you enjoy these few photo's, maybe more tomorrow!
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Try Again........

These are the pictures from yesterday that didn't post. Sorry!
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally an update! It has been too long!

o.k.-- I didn't get to say HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you all. So here is a post with pictures! This is the box of Chocolate's that Cammie received.

Yes you are seeing it right. The heart played Jonas Brothers music. You know my Cammie was all thrilled!
I am back up and running. I hope to blog everyday for you guys. I have missed blogging!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

All Kinds.......

There seems to be more creatures around our house these days. Here are a few more pictures I have taken the last couple of days.

These two creatures are extra special. My Cammie and Caitlan. I thought this was a great picture of Cammie. And well what can I say, my Caitlan jut being silly! She had two pine tree twigs that had blown off during the storm and she was pretending to be a MOOSE! Yes, a moose!
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week.
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Friday, February 13, 2009

With or without.............................

Snow! Caitlan told me the other day, "it's o.k. mommy I don't need snow to have fun." So I took a couple pictures of her playing in her sled with NO snow!

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day! Enjoy this gorgeous weather too.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fine Feathered Friends.......

If you have visited my blog before you know how much I love creatures of any kind. You know I post lots of different pctures of animals. So witht the weather being warm I got the chance to get out and snap a few picture of some birds, nothing special just seeing what I could do.

I hope you are enjoying this warm weather. I hope you enjoyed my birdies!
Got to run and get a few more pictures while I hear them shirping outside.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Of all the places.............

Ducky could have chosen to lay, she picks Cammie's backside. Seems to me that wouldn't be to comfy, but this seems to be her place of choice lately! Anytime Cammie is in the floor, Ducky crawls up on her and lays with a bone to chew on. Is this not funny?
She has even changed direction and decided to lay the other way for a while. BUTT to BUTT!! Hope Cammie didn't have anything to do. She was there for a while!

My crazy little pupper dog! We laugh at her everyday, she is always doing something crazy. Dog's are alot like people. They each have their very own personality, no two are ever alike!! Dogs really are a man's best friend, if you love a dog they will love you FOREVER!!!

Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having lately. The sunshine yeaterday was heavenly!!

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