Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Cammie got an added bonus while shooting pictures of the M family. She got the pleasure of shooting a couple of deer. What a nice and wonderful surprise or her. She did a beautiful job on these deer photos. Just thought Iwould share with you all!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Introducing the M family!

Cammie's first official photo shoot. I would like to thank this family for giving Cammie the chance to photograph them! They are a great family and we love spending time with them.

More to follow, so keep scrolling down!
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Mr. K

Cammie was a little nervous about photographing another teen her age and of the opposite gender. Once there and in the moment she had a really good time photographing him. She wants to get him with his skateboard next! So maybe another session??????

I love this picture! Little sister love, isn't this just the sweetest?
More to follow of little Miss S.
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Little Miss S.

Then it was Little Miss S.'s turn. She is so cute.

I love this picture of her looking out over the creek and the sun shining thru her hair. I think it just captured a moment in time.
Cammie did a great job for her first time. She got some really good shots and in time with lots of practice she will be a great photographer! Way to go Cammie! I am so proud of you. You did a great job!

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Friday, November 21, 2008

My Girls, My Girls, My Girls.............

whatcha gonna do when the boys come for you...... Run!!!

The girls are growing up so quick! It is hard to believe how fast time goes by. Just yesterday they were babies now they are all grown up. Cammie is a young adult and Caitlan well, shes just Caitlan. God broke the mold when they made her, let me tell you --she is ONE OF A KIND!!!

They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me want to pull ALL of my hair out, they make me want to hug them so tight and never let go. How could anything so loving and precious be all MINE?????? I thank God for the gift he has given me in these two girls. I sure do enjoy
watching them grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caitlan will be 7 in just a few days and it is so hard to believe!! I just remember being at the hospital with her. And here it is 7 years later, where did all those years go?

So hug your little ones, even if they are not so little, they just grow up way to quick!! Soon they may not want those mommy hugs, I can't imagine that. Cherish their sweet little grins and silly little laughs. Take note of the baby soft hair, hands and little toes. The cute little round heads and little noses. The funny little words and phrases. Hang on to all those memories, I sure will. As
time goes by tooo fast.
Hope you all are having a great week and staying warm.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday.............................

Thankful Thursday list #3 ........
1. Our House
2. Cammie's love of photography
3. Memories
4. Food on the table
5. Caitlan's ability to make everyone laugh
6. Baby teeth
7. All Animals
8. Comfy Pj's
9. Socks
10. All of you!
Hope you all have a great day, take time to think about what you are thankful for this week!
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Wordless Wednesday............

Not sure why this didn't post yesterday, so I am trying again this morning. Sorry. Hope everyone is having a great week. Stay warm. Only 35 days till CHRISTmas!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is how we stay warm.....

this is what my puppies do to stay warm. Duckie finds any blanket that has been left out and lays on it or up under it. She is laying on Caitlan's white tiger blanket and loving it.
Blue man decided he needed up on the loveseat, he does not get to lay up there. So only a picture is snapped and then he was made to get off!!!! I think he gets up here when we are gone!! BAD BOY!
He loves it, I just don't want him ruining our furniture. Porr Doggie. He has a couch cushion and a dog bed that is stacked on top of each other in his room for him to lay on, but he prefers the loveseat! NOT!!!
SILLY GIRL!! Here is Duckie, she is learning from Blue!!

Hope you all are staying warm! It is soooooo cold today. Only 37 more days till Christmas!!!
Rae ann
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Silly Mommy............

You forgot to blog my Halloween costume. OOPS, it looks like I did forget to post a picture of the princess fairy Caitlan. So here is my beautiful Princess Fairy Caitlan.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Guess What??????

I am so proud of my Cammie, why you ask? She has her first official photo shoot scheduled for next weekend, with an awesome family! YEAH, I am so tickled for her, she is soooooo thrilled!!!!

I just had to share the great news with everyone.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, looks like we are in for a COLD and YUCKY weekend! 8(

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And today is............

Thankful Thursday ......

1. Baby's smiles

2. Chat's with friends

3. Ocean Breezes

4. swimming Pools

5. Silly little girls

6. Sweet Kisses and Hugs

7. Sweet little toes

8. Games with the family

9. Music

10. AND YOU!

These were just random thoughts that I have had the last several days, each week my list builds from the previous week. Hope you are having a great week.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday............

A sneak peak from the past week! I think Duckies look sums it up!

More to follow! Scroll on down.
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More Wordless Wednesday.....

Have a great day! Remember only 43 days till Christmas.
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